Achieve a Brighter, Whiter Smile

Transform your smile with our expert-vetted home whitening kits and pens, designed to deliver professional-grade results in the comfort of your own home.

Shop Teeth Whitening


Premium Home Whitening Kit

A convenient, at-home whitening solution that’s clinically proven to whiten teeth in 6 days, without causing sensitivity. 

With oxygenating, eco-friendly sodium percarbonate to remove stains and discolouration from the surface of teeth and leave them up to 7 shades whiter.


Rapid + Home Whitening Kit

The Rapid+ Home Whitening Kit is a fast-working, at-home whitening treatment proven to lighten teeth up to 7 shades in 8-10 days without causing sensitivity. Each 10-minute session is perfect for special occasions like a holiday or important event.

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Teeth Whitening Pen

A convenient, on-the-go whitening pen with a built-in applicator to allow for precise application that whitens teeth and targets stains and discoloration, leaving them up to 7 shades whiter.

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Premium Home Whitening Kit

A convenient, at-home whitening solution that’s clinically proven to whiten teeth in 6 days, without causing sensitivity. 

With oxygenating, eco-friendly sodium percarbonate to remove stains and discolouration from the surface of teeth and leave them up to 7 shades whiter.


Rapid + Home Whitening Kit

The Rapid+ Home Whitening Kit is a fast-working, at-home whitening treatment proven to lighten teeth up to 7 shades in 8-10 days without causing sensitivity. Each 10-minute session is perfect for special occasions like a holiday or important event.

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Teeth Whitening Pen

A convenient, on-the-go whitening pen with a built-in applicator to allow for precise application that whitens teeth and targets stains and discoloration, leaving them up to 7 shades whiter.

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Real Life Smile Transformations


to this

from this

No Really. It’s That Good.

Feel confident in your smile with at home kits and portable whitening pens that bring back your natural shine. Expert-approved and selected specifically by our in-house doctors.




FTS Whitening Products

We redefine dental and facial aesthetics with products that deliver exceptional results, especially for those with sensitivity. Our award-winning clinic and expert team ensure quality and effectiveness you can trust.

Award-Winning Excellence


Easy Application

Proven Results


Face Teeth Smile

3-Day Whitening

Sensitivity Friendly

Easy Application


Expert Endorsements

Customer Satisfaction


"After years of creating beautiful smiles, treating skin concerns, and providing facial aesthetic treatments, we recognise how difficult it can be for patients to know exactly which products will work for them. 

To help you navigate this minefield, we’ve curated a list of home teeth whitening products that actually work – the very same products we recommend to our patients on a daily basis!”

– Dr Juneja, Face Teeth Smile Founder

Face Teeth Smile is a cosmetic dentistry and facial aesthetics clinic in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire

Our awarding-winning clinic and expert team of doctors are redefining dentistry and facial aesthetic services. Through clinical excellence, advanced techniques, and luxurious personalised care, we consistently provide exceptional experiences and life-changing results.

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